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December 21, 2004
Chichester Board of Selectmen
December 21, 2004

Chairman Colbert opened the meeting at 7:00PM.

Present:  Chairman Colbert, Selectman DeBold, Selectman MacCleery and Patty Wooster, Administrative Assistant

SUBJECT:  Pamela Stiles was sworn in as Trustee of the Trust and Mike Paveligo was sworn in as Fire Chief.  Mr. Paveligo will take the position of Fire Chief as of January 1, 2005.  CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST OF LUCK TO BOTH OF YOU!!!

SUBJECT: Fire Department

HIGHLIGHTS:  Deputy Chief Mike Paveligo asked the Board what was needed to get the ATV mule up and running.  Chairman Colbert said the he needed to get the Title or the Bill of Sale from Millican’s Nursery.  Deputy Chief Paveligo said there was no Title or Bill of Sale for the ATV.  Selectman MacCleery said he wanted something in writing from Millican’s stating that they donated the ATV to the Fire Department.  Chairman Colbert stated that Deputy Chief Paveligo needs to bring in the VIN number so that the Selectmen’s office can get insurance for the ATV.

Deputy Chief said there was problem with the heat at the Safety Building.  He said he contacted Eastern Gas and did not get a quick response.  He stated that he was not happy with Eastern Gas.  

He asked the Board about a Warrant Article to purchase a new stretcher; he said the cost is $4,200.00.  He also stated that he would like to explore buying a used fire truck. Deputy Chief Paveligo stated that he would draft a Warrant Article and Chairman Colbert stated that he would like to see the draft before turning it  in to DRA.

SUBJECT: Highway Department

HIGHLIGHTS:  Road Agent, David Kenneally advised the Board that there is a gentleman who wants to donate money to pave the first 500 feet of road on Hutchinson Road.  The gentleman did not specify exact footage of pavement.  Selectman MacCleery advised Mr. Kenneally that he should talk to Epsom Highway Department, because they had a private person pay for paving on River Road.  Some discussion was made regarding the Town’s intention to pave Hutchinson Road.  Mr. Kenneally said that a dirt road was easier to maintain than a paved road.  Selectman DeBold stated that he gets a lot of calls regarding grading on Hutchinson Road.  

Road Agent, David Kenneally has hired Jack Marston to help with the road maintenance.  It was discovered that Mr. Kenneally had set the pay scale for Mr. Marston.  Chairman Colbert advised Mr. Kenneally that he has the ability to hire and fire road personnel, but did not have the authority to set the pay scale.  Selectman MacCleery requested a job description and job application for employees.

Selectman DeBold stated that he received a call from Deb Jordon complaining that Staniels Road was a mess, that the road was slushy.  Selectman MacCleery stated that he received one (1) call and two (2) concerns from residents stating that Horse Corner Road was a mess and needed some attention.  Mr. Kenneally said that he was not called or advised of the road conditions.  He asked that he be called immediately to rectify the problem.

Selectman MacCleery stated that he had some calls regarding two people in the town truck.  Mr. Kenneally asked when this was.  Selectman MacCleery was not sure of the dates.  Mr. Kenneally stated that he could have been training Mr. Marston on how the roads should be plowed; they could have been measuring the road, checking culverts, etc.  Mr. Kenneally said that it was not safe for one person to work alone.

Selectmen DeBold stated he finds it insulting to the Road Agent that his integrity is continually challenged with unsubstantiated and unfounded complaints by Selectmen MacCleery as evidenced by the unspecific complaints about two people in the Town truck.  Selectmen DeBold believes that it would be more beneficial that any such complaints should be identified and immediately passed on to the Road Agent so that the Road Agent can have the opportunity to address the issues first hand with the person making the complaint.  Selectman DeBold also stated that he wished that residents would come forward directly to the Road Agent or even put their complaints in writing and also come to the Selectmen’s meetings, public meetings or town meetings to register their issues with the Road Agent.

Selectmen MacCleery interjected that the three(3) complaints he had about Horse Corner Road were from Deb Jordan, his wife and his daughter.  

SUBJECT: Building Inspector

HIGHLIGHTS:  Building Inspector, Dave Paveligo stated he had a call from a gentleman asking about the possibilities of putting a nursery on Hutchinson Road.  Mr. Paveligo stated that the gentleman wanted to sell mulch, gravel and other landscaping products and he wanted to have a landscaping business.  The gentleman said that in the early Spring there would be a half dozen or so tractor trailers delivering product.  The gentleman said he was trying to get to the Planning Board; this area is not zoned commercial.  Mr. Kenneally said the he has been getting some calls from realtors asking the same questions.  It was stated that the discussion should be started with the Planning Board for a home occupation business.  The business could have two employees, the roads must be posted in the Spring; activity needs to be on site and the owner must live on the premises.

Mr. Paveligo stated that he had two more requests for new dwelling building permits for next year and that there were only five (5) permits left and he still has not heard from Mr. Austin regarding new dwelling permits.

Mr. Paveligo stated that the Live and Let Live Farm owned by Theresa Paradis, located at 20 Paradise Land is building horse barns.  Mr. Kenneally stated that there is an average of 30 to 40 cars traveling Hutchinson Road daily and cars use the town turn around for parking.  This makes it hard for Mr. Kenneally to plow the turn around and use the turn around.  

A driving range and pro shop is going to be built on Rt. 4.  The site plans have been submitted to the Planning Board and were approved by the Planning Board and ZBA.  There is a wetland issue; ¾ of the lot is wetlands.  A division 5 driveway will be installed; the owner plans on building a pond and the owner will live above the pro shop.

SUBJECT: General Business

Mr. Kenneally passed his CDL written exam and will be taking his driving test on December 27 at 8AM.  After passing the driving test Mr. Kenneally will have to take a drug test.

Deputy Chief Paveligo stated that the Fire Academy will be holding training classes for CDL licensure.

The Board and Budget Committee will meet on December 28, 2004 at 8PM.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

The minutes of December 14, 2004 were approved.     

Legal correspondence, mail and e-mail were reviewed.  

Being no further business   Chairman Colbert adjourned the meeting at 10:00PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Wooster
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Colbert

Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery